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Pic of the Week

Calendar of the Month

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040


Crystal Water Lilies!!!
---Sakura Angel Anime---
The Group


Old Weekly Pics

In this section all that I have are old Pics of the Week. Keep in mind, not all of the weekly pics that TAO has ever displayed are in this section. just ones that I have altered by buttonizing or adding text, etc. Right now it is still small, but since I've just now started altering my weekly pics that's to be expected. Anyways, I'm sorry if pics with logos on them annoy you, but it is the best way that I could think of to stop the evil pic stealers from displaying my pics in their galleries. If you do wish to display some of my pics on your site, please just ask first and I'll have no problem with it. In the meantime, please enjoy these.