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Tenchi Muyo


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Crystal Water Lilies!!!
Cardcaptors Cosmos
---Sakura Angel Anime---
Anime Backgrounds

This section of TAO is a good place to find backgrounds for web pages. If you came here looking for a wallpaper, or background, for your desktop, well, there are some backgrounds on here that might look good tiled, but if you don't like the sound of that you should probably check out the wallpaper section of my site. As it is, I have some pretty good anime backgrounds for webpages. Some of which were made by me, some where made by other people, and some I have modified. If you would like to submit a background please go to the submissions page and look it up. If you are the creator of one of the displayed backgrounds please contact me and I will give you credit. This page has been made for fans who want to have good-looking webpages ^_^

  Blue Seed (2)
  Cardcaptors (8) Updated!
  Cowboy Bebop (2)
  Digimon (11)
  Digimon 02(1)
  Darkside Blues (1)
  Ghost in the Shell (1)
  Sailor Moon (5)
  Serial Experements Lain (7)
  Tenchi and Pretty Sami (7) Updated!