This movie is great for anyone who's into Sci-Fi and Mystery.The main character is an android named Matoko Kusanagi, also referred to as "The Major." In case you didn't guess already, she works for the government. Other characters that you will become familiar with are Bateau, one of her partners, and the notorious Puppet Master, a foreign Cyberintelligence that the American and Japanese governments are trying to catch before it can do anymore damage. But if I speak about him anymore, I'll give away vital parts of the story that would be better left unsaid for those of you who have not seen this movie yet. The animation on this movie is phenominal. Ideal for anyone who likes anime that has been done with alot of computers. The movie is an exception to your usual American Dub because the voices are realistic and fit their characters perfectly. Especially Kusanagi, who was given a tough and commanding, but female voice that especially fit her character. The colors are dark, and fit the futuristic yet real mood of the story nicely. The movies's perfectly planned storyline will keep you guessing about the outcome to the very end. Were it's both a suprise and a letdown. Because even the ending is not the end.